Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Morning workouts and hump day

I would not call myself a morning person. Today I set that alarm clock an hour earlier and braved the outside world before the sun came up. I went to an amazing workout class at the gym I joined. Update from previous blog post, I joined Qi they have a sampling of great classes but their specialty is spin-yoga, this is 30 mins of intense spin and 30 mins of yoga. It is a great workout. I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought getting up and working out. I am going to try to make this an everyday occurence, or at least a few times a week.
Today is what everyone in the working world calls Hump day. Hmmmm before I really thought about the true meaning the naughty thought came into my head, sorry for being immature. But in light of hump day I have put together a little potluck dinner that will happen every other Wednesday. The idea is to switch hosts and location as well as themes/food. I am starting with Mexican at my place. I thought it would be easy to prepare. I am sure we will get more creative as we go. So happy Hump Day to all:)

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Lauren Update

I haven't written in a while. The holidays have passed and I am on week 3 of the new job, time flies! Quick update, not that anyone reads my blog really but it will be a great resource for when I have Alzheimers and forget what I did yesterday. The holidays were good, I wore the smurf suit quite a bit, for those of you whom are comfused, the blue ski instructing uniform. We still are completely lacking in snow, I am actually getting excited for spring, grilling, Rockies games, pool time, bike riding around the park, but I guess we will have to pray for a little snow since it's only January. I didn't gain holiday weight... I think this was a combination of skiing a lot and avoiding holiday parties.
New Years Resolution: To stay positive, be a more postive person! I got bugged down with too much negativity last year.. So now you ask how is the JOB? So far so good! I am loving the people I work with and that is 99% of it. To stay on track with my New Years Resolution I am not going to complain about the traffic and commute to and from work, enough said. I have started to get into a routine, work, workout, dinner, bed. Goal of the week: to be less lame!
Signing out,