This thought has been on my mind for a while now so I thought I would get it out there for everyone to ponder. After training for a Iromman 70.3 by myself I have a whole new outlook on what working out really is. Now I am not going to lie I have been that skinny little girl shaking her butt on the elliptical for a half hour (well let's be honest minus the skinny part). This is NOT working out. When I was training for the race I worked out at least 2 hours a day, running on the treadmill for up to 2 hours at a time. Or doing a intense spin class that leaves you unable to walk. I am not saying this is what you have to do but if you want to get a good work don't use the elliptical. Wonder why you never see fat people running on the treadmill but you see them all lined up on the ellipticals? You can't get away with being lazy on a treadmill, I picture a porker falling off and slamming into the wall behind..... haha not trying to be mean but you get the picture, the elliptical is for sissies!!