Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Face-to-Face Communication

Have you ever been misinterpreted over the phone, via e-mail or even a quick messaging session or online conference? For most of us the answer is yes. It is hard to gauge one’s mood and emotions from these communication platforms. We all know that in a meeting, interview or networking situation the most important piece of your puzzle is your appearance, mannerisms and presence. Most of what you are saying is lost in translation. If this is true why has face-to-face communication been steadily diminishing?

Now with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace as well as high-tech communication tools such as e-mail, Blackberries, and online video conferencing the ways we interact with one another have dramatically changed. These tools have allowed us to participate in more activities, take on more clients and communicate with more people. It is easy to communicate and do business with people without actually ever meeting them. As our plates get fuller and fuller our time is shrinking and we all can agree that it takes significantly less time to make a call or send out a Facebook message to an old colleague but we need not to forget about the value of face-to-face interaction. It is still the most effective and powerful way to connect with others.

Now put down that phone, close your e-mail account screen and schedule a coffee meeting instead of a phone conversation. Go show off that pretty smile and rekindle the presence of face-to-face interaction to benefit both your personal life and your work.

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