Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Drive and Flirt

So my commute from work has been the death of me lately. I get in the car happy to leave work and get out of the car trembling with traffic anger! So I have been trying to come up with solutions to make it better. One I have been practicing the past few weeks I like to call the drive and flirt..... I have been going so slowly that I actually have the time to roll past cars and check out the person in the vehicle. So if I roll past someone good looking I try to keep up with them, if that means a few lane changes so be it, you gotta do what you gotta do. Then I will go with the wink the second time around (ok ok so I haven't really gotten to the wink stage) but maybe it will happen one of these days. Or should I make a sign saying "get off the next exit, your cute..." Thoughts??
So I actually came up with a real solution to this traffic jam chaos. I joined a gym next to work so I can go directly after work, avoid rush hour, save some of my sanity and still get a rockin bod. Finally all that college is paying off.
Newly single coming up with ways to meet people can be tricky. I mean I met my last boyfriend at Safeway, random I know (clean up on isle 3 just bumped into eachother). I actually think the grocery store is a great place to meet someone. Throw out the line "what are you cooking for dinner tonight" or "oh wow I see peppers in your basket, you must be a spicy kinda guy" haha nice lines Lauren, I am sure those would work... NOT. I don't believe that this drive and flirt is going to make the cut either... I need something else. Meeting guys at the bar, not so great especially after a few cocktails when everyone looks a little better and they become funnier as the night goes on. I joined 2 soccer teams, no one has caught my eye, mostly an older crowd. Hmmm not sure but I welcome any suggestions and please do not say Match.com.


  1. i would say either chemistry.com or a craigslist personal ad. Also, you could just walk down Colfax and wait for the boys to flock.

  2. I have heard that Match.com is for hooking up, E-Harmony is to find someone for life but have not heard anything about Chemistry.com.... must be an East Coast thing!
