Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Face-to-Face Communication

Have you ever been misinterpreted over the phone, via e-mail or even a quick messaging session or online conference? For most of us the answer is yes. It is hard to gauge one’s mood and emotions from these communication platforms. We all know that in a meeting, interview or networking situation the most important piece of your puzzle is your appearance, mannerisms and presence. Most of what you are saying is lost in translation. If this is true why has face-to-face communication been steadily diminishing?

Now with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace as well as high-tech communication tools such as e-mail, Blackberries, and online video conferencing the ways we interact with one another have dramatically changed. These tools have allowed us to participate in more activities, take on more clients and communicate with more people. It is easy to communicate and do business with people without actually ever meeting them. As our plates get fuller and fuller our time is shrinking and we all can agree that it takes significantly less time to make a call or send out a Facebook message to an old colleague but we need not to forget about the value of face-to-face interaction. It is still the most effective and powerful way to connect with others.

Now put down that phone, close your e-mail account screen and schedule a coffee meeting instead of a phone conversation. Go show off that pretty smile and rekindle the presence of face-to-face interaction to benefit both your personal life and your work.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Being Frugal

With an unpaid internship and my diminishing savings due to my 2-month trip to Southeast Asia I am forced to come up with creative ways to save money. Going through my expenses from previous months I had to face the facts. I was spending a large amount on booze, this includes Happy Hour, the occasional night cap with a friend, beers at a baseball game and my Friday and/or Saturday nights. My second expense was food, going out to lunch, dinner, Sunday morning breakfast, and my afternoon caffeine kicks.

To solve expense number 1, I have quit drinking for 30 days, not a sip of alcohol. I am on day 10, sometimes the peer pressure is tough (Oktoberfest last weekend) but I have stayed strong and have saved a significant amount of money just in the past week.

Expense number 2 solved, I go to the grocery store once a week, typically on Sunday. I also go onto KingSoopers.com to see what the specials are for the week and even print out relevant coupons. This is actually fun, I go on a mini scavenger hunt in the supermarket looking for the coupon items. On my lunch break I ride my bike to my apartment and make lunch, luckily I live close or else I would purchase and nice new lunch box and pack it everyday. As for the afternoon caffeine kicks, I have learned to live without them.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Essence of Friday

Virtually everyone in the typical working world, Monday-Friday is ecstatic when Friday comes, many updating their Twitter or Facebook with something like "TGIF", "The mountains this weekend", "Friday Happy Hour with friends." Whether you love your job or struggle to go everyday, everyone appreciates those 2 days off. How you spend it is completely up to you, a adventure packed weekend or catching up on some much needed ZZZZs. I typically like to do something outside weather pending of course. Do you think the quality and productivity of work deteriorates on Fridays? Either people work extra hard knowing the weekend is hours away or it becomes a distraction. This can also depend on the person, amount of work ect. but I know as they say in yoga "be present." Focus on where and what you are doing at the moment and leg go of the past and future. I agree with this statement but I like to plan the adventures of my weekend so I have something to look forward to. This always keeps me ultra motivated! My weekend plans:
Saturday: Community service event in the morning, possible hike, Vail Oktoberfest afternoon and evening.
Sunday: Sleep in, frolic outside in the falling leaves, sing songs on the way back to Denver, movie.
Happy Friday, have a wonderful weekend:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The quest for the perfect health club

Today I began my quest for the perfect health club. So the first question I had to ask myself was what am I looking for? Whether you join for the social scene, a place to get noticed and a place to check out those sweaty hot men, or join for the top on the line equipment, I am talking Tv screens on each machine and an assortment of Dvds, or join to relax and take in the day, lots of yoga and organic hair products with soothing music playing, or join for the abundance of classes and intense personal trainers, the classes that you walk out of dripping with sweat with a slight feeling you may vomit, everyone has their reasons for being a member. For me I like the intense vomit type classes that leave you barely able to walk the next day. Now that is what I call fun!! Note to everyone, I was a former member of the anti-gym, which is notoriously know for such classes (they would yell at you over a loud speaker and throw cupcakes if your weren't working hard enough). Today I tried gym number one and have 3 trial days. I also toured gym number 2 and also have 3 trial days. Now here is a thought.... tour all the gyms around Colorado receiving endless amounts of trail days resorting in a completely free gym membership.
Gym number one: Status- Unsure
Gym number two: Status- Incomplete
Gym number three: Status- Yet to be found
Gym number four: Status- Yet to be found
I guess I will limit myself to only four. I will let you know when that decision comes, at this rate it could be next month.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sitting at your desk, most likely from 8-5 or for those New Yorkers, 9-8..... I always find when my tummy starts to grumble and my eyes glaze over from my constant stare at my computer screen this is the "lunch signal."  Although today this happened at 10:45.  After drinking a little water and eating a mini cup cake left at the receptionists desk I was able to tied myself over until noon. By the way those mini cupcakes were sheer decadence.  I am tempted to go get another one but as my life style has rapidly changed from constant movement outside to only the typing of my fingers and the swivel of my chair, I have to resist the temptations.  Finding the the balance between food coma and being left with the feeling of hunger is the key to returning to work with the utmost productivity.  It's only been 2 days and I am learning more every day.  Tips so far: ---
1) bring a water bottle (this saves both plastic and encourages you to drink more water) 
2) keep a protein bar or piece of fruit at your desk
I will let you know if i come up with any other secrets to success 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am finding blogging to be more difficult than expected.  I am always unsure of what thoughts are interesting and what thoughts should be left spiraling in my brain.  You know when your listening to a great song on the radio and then right when the chorus* (tricky word that doesn't follow any spelling rules, the english language is tough) is in full force and you are belting out the lyrics in the comfort of your own car and puff the signal goes out and you are forced to listen to your awful voice, it happened to me today.  On the same car note, don't you feel comfortable in your car? That enclosure of dented metal (I have been in a few little fender benders) and hot leather gives me a sense of freedom, weird because I am enclosed and belted in...... but I can sing, release some gas (sorry if you think that's gross), talk to yourself (ya I know I am a little strange but I am sure you have done that), pick your nose..... ok ok I will stop but you get the point.  Hmmm maybe that was a thought that should have been left spiraling in my brain, oops too late.  One last question to ponder, do you really think billboards are an effective way to advertise?  Vail has one on I-70 promoting their Oktoberfest and Wine Festival, to me it seems a little tacky.  A quick note to Vail Resorts, I will gladly accept a position helping you with more effective marketing techniques.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


A few weeks ago I was traveling in South East Asia with a very good friend.  One of our goals of the trip was to take meaning out of our adventures and try to learn more about ourselves.  One girl I met really had an impact on me.  We were on a 2 day boat trip on the Mekong Delta in Vietnam.  The tour was very structured and we always seemed end up at places with hundreds of other tourists with locals luring us to buy overpriced items, not my idea of a true cultural experience.  As the day progressed, we kept getting herded from bus to boat to bus ride and we both grew tired and cranky to say the least.  One younger lady, who I will never forget, kept smiling throughout the entire day and had an infectious laugh.  It was hard not to smile when being around her.  She continually asked questions to our guide and was truly getting the most out of the trip as she could.  By the end of the day she had made friends with everyone and knew virtually everyones names.  I am sure you have met at least one person like this in your life.  These are the people that can impact a whole group and lift the moods of everyone.  I took away a lot from this lady, everyday I try to emanate her spirit and smile in the face of difficulties.